L’Arche Numbers in the U.S.
The impact of L’Arche goes far beyond our numbers. Each day, people with and without intellectual disabilities develop extraordinary friendships through ordinary activities: preparing meals, brushing teeth, shopping for groceries, and praying together. These friendships become catalysts for change. Learn more below!
L’Arche USA also recently completed a study that outlines the impact that L’Arche has on its community members. Learn more at: L’Arche USA | Building a kinder world (larcheusa.org)
61 Homes
L'Arche homes in the U.S.
284 I/DD Adults
Core Members in the U.S.
447 DSP
Assistants or Direct Service Professionals
800,718 Meals
Shared each year in our communities
48 Years
Since the founding of L'Arche in the U.S.
170,050 Reached
People reached annually through social media

Annual Report
Please contact info@larchewavecrest.org to have the 2022 Annual Report mailed to you.

News & Stories
More to come!…

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L’Arche International
What does the name ‘L’Arche’ mean?
L’Arche, the French word for an ark, as in Noah’s Ark, was the name given to the original home in Trosly-Breuil, France. Subsequent houses founded in Trosly received individual names, although collectively they were all under the L’Arche umbrella. Other communities that got started in France and elsewhere have followed suit, although those in India, founded in a Hindu context prefer to use the term Asha Niketan, meaning House of Welcome. Soon, all the L’Arche communities around the world decided to join together in the International Federation of L’Arche Communities, better known today as L’Arche International. This term has also commonly come to refer to the international structure set up to support the communities.
How is L’Arche governed?
Ultimate authority in L’Arche rests with the Federation Assembly, which brings together representatives of each community, (some with disabilities, and others who may be Assistants or Board Members). Between the meetings, it delegates authority to the International Leaders and the International Stewardship Board. They work in close collaboration and partnership to serve the Mission of L’Arche. The International Leader and Vice Leader form the Executive. Assisted by Leaders at different levels of the Federation, they receive the advice of the Federation Council and the International Reflection Council, where people actively involved in community life, both with and without intellectual disabilities, work together. Learn more at: Homepage – L’Arche : L’Arche (larche.org)