As pioneers of the first and only organization to bring the L’Arche concept to California, L’Arche Wavecrest recently celebrated our 20th anniversary of providing services via vital, healthy and spiritually rich homes that celebrate and embrace the unique value and gifts of persons with and without developmental disabilities. Now it’s time for us to embark on a continuation of our Trailblazing journey.
We must expand our services to address the growing and evolving needs of our aging core members and fill the gap of unmet needs in our local community.
We are a community serving individuals with developmental disabilities. The L’Arche model is built on genuine and unconditional love, support and acceptance- something that’s not found in similar community care programs. We believe in the power of relationships, community, inclusion, belonging and acceptance. You’ll be hooked from the moment you walk through our doors, the same way that I was when I first arrived.
We have countless heartwarming stories of the impact we have already made in our core member’s lives…
One founding Core Member, Chris, has happily lived with us for 20 years and hopes to stay with L’Arche for an additional 40 years! A former Core Member, Terry (who passed away in 2023), remembers how moving into the L’Arche Wavecrest community with Chris made a difference in her life: ” L’Arche Wavecrest, is a better place for me….like Chris was saying ‘Terry, I love you’. I don’t need the hate. I need the love. I’m emotional. Chris knows that. So, this is a better place for me. Chris says: ‘I love you’. It makes me more happier to be here.”
Another newer Core Member has finally found stability within our home after struggling for years and having to leave three prior placements. A forth Core Member is enjoying life as a student and is excited to be graduating next year. Another new Core Member is embracing his new found independence and belonging, living on his own for the first time and in a bedroom he can call solely his own.
Our impact has been effective and meaningful, but our work is far from over.

Our Trailblazer Campaign will provide resources to open 1-2 new homes in the 2025-2026 timeframe, with a program model that best addresses the naturally evolving needs of aging adults with developmental disabilities. This will allow our current Core Members to age in place within a community that they have come to know and love, and this will also allow us to help fill the gap of unmet needs in our local community for other aging adults as future Core Members.
We need YOUR assistance as an advocate, a promoter, a donor and as a financial leader to help us realize this intention and make a meaningful and long lasting impact together within our community.
Become a Pioneer and join our Trailblazer Campaign today with your one time, monthly or legacy donation or a check by mail. Stock transfers and legacy gifts can be arranged through our office as well.
Thank for your support and commitment to our mission!
Together, we will continue to blaze a better trail for people with intellectual disabilities in California.
“My hope for the future of Wavecrest is that the philosophy and spirituality of L’Arche continue as an integral part of its expansion. In expansion, multiple homes become sources of strength for and to each other, as well as infusing a greater compassion and influence across Southern California more broadly. The mission of L’Arche Wavecrest is a compassionate, important mission. I find so much joy in its growth, and so much inspiration in the people that continue forward. Our journey has, and will continue to be, truly a blessed one.” Karen Carr – Founder & Visionary
L’Arche Wavecrest is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to L’Arche Wavecrest are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. L’Arche Wavecrest tax identification number (EIN) 33-0819668.